Journey: Boost Conversions and Revenue

With our marketing automation tools Journey, you can enhance customer conversion rates and revenue around the clock. Ensure that every customer interaction adds value, anytime, anywhere.

Visual interface

Easily design Journey with simple drag-and-drop functionality—no technical development required. Launch with just one click.

Grow your business with Journeys

Order Marketing

Enhance order completion rates by monitoring order statuses and automating reminders and recommendations. For example: Abandoned carts reminders and suggest similar products based on their preferences for upselling.

Keep Customer Engaged

Identify key touchpoints to maintain interaction throughout the customer lifecycle. For example: activate new customers, re-engage lost customers, and provide ongoing customer care.

Automated User Satisfaction Surveys

Automatically send satisfaction survey requests via WhatsApp at the right moment, such as right after a purchase which helps you gather valuable customer feedback and boost numbers of reviews and NPS score.

Streamlined Shopify Integration for Maximum Results

Achieve real-time synchronization with your Shopify store's order events and attributes, making automated e-commerce marketing effortless. Enhance your store's sales performance and operational efficiency.

Key Features Overview

Discover some of the essential features you'll enjoy with Journeys.


Message Templates

Add Tags


Message Status Rules


Call API

Support marketing workflows triggered by rich custom rules, such as contact attributes, contact events, and Shopify events.
Support sending a variety of predefined rich media WhatsApp message templates.
Support sending a variety of predefined rich media WhatsApp message templates.
Add time intervals between messages to make the process more "human" or to automatically re-engage customers after a purchase.
Identify the status of sent message templates and customize different marketing actions based on whether they are read, unread or replied.
Track campaign performance to identify points of customer drop-off, allowing you to optimize your processes.
Support customized API requests for interaction and integration with external data, enhancing the alignment with your business needs.
Automate Your Marketing Now and Achieve 3x Order Growth!