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Top 10 Best WhatsApp Business API Providers in 2024





2018年,Meta 推出了 WhatsApp 的商业化平台 WhatsApp Business Platform,帮助大中型企业通过 Meta 官方指定的商业解决方案提供商接入 WhatsApp Business API,在全世界最受欢迎的即时通讯软件上开展大规模的营销和自动化信息管理活动。

WhatsApp Business API 凭借其广泛的用户基础和强大的功能,使企业能够轻松地与客户互动,已成为众多企业首选的沟通平台。然而,市场上提供 WhatsApp Business API 服务的 BSP 众多,选择合适的供应商成为了企业面临的一大难点。

In this article, we will give you a detailed overview of the top 10 best WhatsApp Business API providers for 2024. These providers not only lead in technology, but also excel in customer service, feature richness, and competitive pricing. Whether you're an SMB or a large organization, we're sure you'll find a solution for you in this list.

This post will include:

  1. What is WhatsApp Business API?
  2. WhatsApp、WhatsApp Business App 和WhatsApp Business API 有什么区别?
  3. How is the WhatsApp Business API charged?
  4. What is WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP)?
  5. Ten Best WhatsApp Business Solution Providers
  6. How should I choose a WhatsApp Business Solution Provider?
  7. How to access WhatsApp Business API with YCloud?

What is WhatsApp Business API?

The WhatsApp Business API is a WhatsApp-based messaging tool designed by Meta (formerly Facebook) for mid-sized and large businesses, allowing them to automate communication with customers at scale via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Business API is all about?

As a premium marketing tool, Meta's official messaging interface WhatsApp API supports businesses to run mass mass messaging campaigns on WhatsApp, the world's most popular instant messenger. In addition to this, WhatsApp Business API has many unique and advantageous features.

  1. message automation::
    • Organizations can send and receive mass messages through the WhatsApp Business API, enabling autoresponders and customer service automation.
  2. Rich Media News::
    • Enterprises can send rich media messages with images, videos, interactive buttons, and files through the API to meet diverse messaging needs.
  3. multi-user access::
    • Supports multiple users to access and process messages from customers at the same time, suitable for customer service teams.
  4. high security::
    • Messages are encrypted end-to-end to ensure secure communications.
  5. Customer Interaction::
    • Notifications, reminders, promotional messages, etc. can be sent to improve customer interaction rates.
  6. account management::
    • By integrating with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, organizations can better manage customer information and communication records.

What are the usage scenarios for WhatsApp Business API?

  1. Customer Support: Automate responses to frequently asked questions to reduce customer service workload.
  2. Order Notification: Send messages such as order confirmations, shipment notifications and delivery status updates.
  3. Appointments and reminders: Send appointment confirmations, calendar reminders, event notifications and more.
  4. marketing campaign: Send promotional messages, coupons, notifications of marketing events, etc.
  5. Member Management: Send notification of enrollment and points

II Difference between WhatsApp, WhatsApp Business APP, WhatsApp business API?


  • charging: Free
  • use: It is mainly used for chatting and calling by personal users and has no commercial features.

WhatsApp Business App

  • charging: Free
  • use: Designed for small and medium-sized businesses, it offers some basic business features such as corporate profiles, quick replies, tagging, autoresponders and statistics.
  • Functional limitations: Suitable for small businesses or self-employed people, with direct one-to-one communication with customers.

WhatsApp Business API

  • charging: Fees are charged, depending on a number of factors, including session type, number of messages, region, and BSP (Business Solution Provider) selected.
  • use: Designed for medium to large organizations, it supports large-scale customer interaction and automation for large organizations that need to communicate with a large number of customers.
  • fee model::
    • session charge: Session-based charging model, categorized into user-initiated sessions and enterprise-initiated sessions. User-initiated sessions are free within a 24-hour window, while enterprise-initiated sessions are charged on a per-session basis.
    • Message template costs: There is an additional cost for sending messages using message templates, which need to be pre-approved by WhatsApp.
    • BSP surcharge: Different BSPs may charge different additional fees, including setup fees, monthly fees, and message volume fees.
  • WhatsApp respond in singing WhatsApp Business App It's mostly free for individuals and small businesses.
  • WhatsApp Business API It is fee-based and is primarily for medium to large organizations. The exact cost depends on the type of session, number of messages, region and BSP's pricing strategy.
name (of a thing) Charges use Functional limitations fee model
WhatsApp free (of charge) Personal Chat and Calls No commercial features not have
Business App
free (of charge) Designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), providing
Basic Business Functions
Business profiles, quick replies, tags, autoresponders, statistics, etc. not have
Business API
charging Designed for medium to large organizations for
Large companies that need to communicate with a large number of customers
Requires access via BSP to support large-scale customer interaction and automation, mass messaging, rich media templates, online customer service, etc. Session Charging: User-initiated sessions are free of charge within a 24-hour window, while enterprise-initiated sessions are charged on a per-session basis.
BSP surcharge: Different BSPs may charge different surcharges.


three How is the WhatsApp Business API charged?

The charging model for WhatsApp API is primarily priced based on message type, region and number of messages. The exact charging may vary, depending on your country and the WhatsApp Business Solution Provider (BSP) you choose. Here are some of the main aspects of WhatsApp API charges:

1. Session fee model

WhatsApp API charges are mainly based on the form of session (Session). There are two types of sessions: user-initiated sessions and enterprise-initiated sessions.

  • User-initiated sessions: When a user sends a message to a business and triggers a session, the session is free of charge for reply messages for 24 hours (any number of messages can be sent within this 24 hour window).
  • Enterprise-initiated sessions: If a business proactively sends a message to a subscriber without the subscriber sending the message first, there is a charge for this session.

WhatsApp API charges may vary depending on the country or region. Pricing policies vary per country and charges may be higher in certain regions.Click to see Meta's official session pricing.

2. BSP surcharges

Apart from WhatsApp's own fees, the official BSPs (Business Solution Providers) may also charge additional fees. These fees may include setup fees, monthly fees, message volume fees, etc.

⚠️ What is WhatsApp BSP?

BSPs (Business Solution Provider) play a key role in the ecosystem of the WhatsApp Business API, helping organizations access and integrate the API, providing technical support and documentation, assisting with account applications and management, managing phone numbers and authentication, and other matters.

BSPs also provide additional features and tools, such as automated workflows, chatbots, and customer relationship management (CRM) integrations, to enhance an organization's customer communications, as well as analytics and reporting tools.

BSP provides technical support and maintenance services to help organizations solve problems in the process of using the service, as well as handling related costs, including session charges and message template fees.

Different BSPs may have different charging structures and surcharges. Enterprises can choose the right BSP according to their needs, so as to maximize the use of WhatsApp Business API's functionality and improve the quality of customer service and business efficiency.

How to view detailed pricing

For a detailed look at WhatsApp API charges, you can visit the Meta (formerly Facebook) provided byofficial document, or consult your BSP for specific pricing information.

The four Ten Best WhatsApp BSPs

YCloudYCloud, a BSP for the WhatsApp Business API, offers rich functionality and strong customer support, making it ideal for organizations to optimize customer communication and management. yCloud helps organizations integrate and use the WhatsApp Business API through its platform, enabling them to better engage with customers and improve customer service quality. yCloud offers a variety of features, including automated workflows, chatbots, data analytics and customer relationship management (CRM). YCloud offers a wide range of features, including automated workflows, chatbots, data analytics, and customer relationship management (CRM), to help businesses optimize their customer communication and management processes.

收费模式:YCloud has no software subscription fees, does not charge any service fees, and only charges according to Meta's official pricing, and some countries such as Malaysia's verification class sessions are even lower than the official pricing!


  • Automated workflows: YCloud provides powerful automation tools to set up autoresponders, timed messages, and workflows to reduce manual operations and increase efficiency.
  • chatbot: Supports advanced chatbot functionality that can handle frequently asked questions and customer inquiries to enhance customer satisfaction.
  • CRM Integration: Seamlessly integrates with CRM systems to help organizations better manage and analyze customer data.
  • rapid responseYCloud provides fast-response technical support services to help organizations solve various problems in the process of use.
  • Training and consulting: Provide comprehensive training and consulting services to ensure that organizations are able to take full advantage of the capabilities of the WhatsApp Business API.
  • drawbacks:暂无。

Twilio: Twilio is a company that specializes in cloud communication services. It offers a variety of APIs and tools that enable organizations to interact with their customers via SMS, voice, video, WhatsApp, and email.

fee model: Twilio's WhatsApp charging model is based on usage and is charged on a per-session basis, to which a $0.005 per message messaging fee is added. Message fees vary by country and message type (session message or template message).


  • Powerful integration options: Seamlessly integrates with a variety of CRM, ERP and marketing automation tools, making it easy for organizations to add WhatsApp support to their existing systems;
  • multichannel support: Twilio supports not only WhatsApp, but also SMS, voice, video and other messaging channels, enabling organizations to manage all their communication needs through one platform.
  • scalability: Able to handle the highly concurrent communication needs of small to large enterprises and ensure service stability.


  • Higher costs: For SMBs or startups, Twilio's services can be expensive, especially when messages are sent in high volumes, and the costs can add up significantly.
  • Complex initial setup: While Twilio's API is easy to use, initial setup and configuration can be complicated, especially for small businesses without development resources.
  • High management requirements: A dedicated technical team is required to manage and maintain Twilio's services, ensuring stable system operation and timely resolution of issues.
  • Limited functionality: Compared to other BSPs on the market, the WhatsApp API that twilio can offer is very limited.

WATI: Wati specializes in helping businesses with customer communication and support through WhatsApp. With Wati, users can easily integrate WhatsApp into their existing communication infrastructure and use it as a customer support, marketing and sales channel.

fee modelWati offers three plans: Growth ($49/month), Pro ($99/month) and Business ($299/month). Each plan includes a specific number of free chatbot sessions per month.Wati uses per-session billing. Each month, the first 1,000 service conversations are free.Wati accounts are on a prepaid model.

vantage: apply to the e-commerce industry; with Make.comSeamless integration with tools such as , WooCommerce, Klaviyo, etc. to improve the efficiency of business processes.Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises: Pricing schemes are usually more competitive than some of the larger platforms and are suitable for SMEs with limited budgets.


  • 软件套餐价格方案并不够灵活,也不适合所有类型的企业规模,特别是单个用户或个人使用。
  • Advanced features are lacking: Compared to some of the larger platforms, WATI may lack in some advanced features (e.g., sophisticated marketing automation, deep data analytics, etc.).
  • Large-scale application limitations: WATI's scalability and depth of functionality may not be sufficient for large organizations that need to handle large numbers of customer interactions and more complex requirements; chatbox functionality is available at an additional cost

SleekFlow: SleekFlow is an omnichannel social commerce platform that helps brands sell, promote and support better in chat. Offering marketing growth solutions based on platforms like Instagram, Facebook and more.

fee model: SleekFlow offers a variety of packages, including a free plan, a pro plan ($79/month), an advanced plan ($299/month), and a customized enterprise plan. Each package includes a different number of message credits and features.


  • SleekFlow 支持 WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger、Instagram、SMS、微信等多种沟通渠道,使企业可以通过一个平台管理所有客户互动;
  • Universal Inbox (UI): Messages from all channels are centralized in one inbox, making it easy for enterprises to manage and respond in a unified manner.
  • 销售漏斗:帮助企业管理销售漏斗,跟踪销售机会和进展。


  • Higher costs: For SMEs with limited budgets, the cost of SleekFlow can be relatively high, especially if more advanced features are required.
  • Support Response Speed: While technical support is provided, the response time and problem resolution may not be as efficient as some of the larger platforms.

360dialog:360dialog是一个专注于提供WhatsApp API解决方案,帮助企业实现与客户的高效沟通的公司。

fee model: 360dialog offers a session-based pricing model, charging per session (two-way communication within 24 hours). The price depends on the number of sessions and the region.


  • Transparent pricing: The pricing structure is clear and transparent, allowing companies to choose the right program for their actual needs.
  • 快速启动:支持快速启动,企业可以在短时间内开始使用 WhatsApp Business API。
  • deep integration::由于专注于一个平台,360dialog 能够提供深度集成和高级功能,满足企业的特定需求。


  • Lack of CRM functionality: Compared to some platforms with integrated CRM functionality, 360dialog focuses primarily on messaging and lacks built-in CRM functionality.
  • self-service: Relies heavily on self-service and documentation, and may require additional development resources for organizations that need more customized support.
  • Support Response Speed: Although technical support is provided, response times and problem solving may not be as efficient as some of the larger platforms.

DoubleTick: DoubleTick is a mobile-focused WhatsApp marketing and sales tool with features such as a cloud-based team inbox, unlimited mass messaging, real-time campaign analytics, chatbot, order booking business bot, and more.

fee model: DoubleTick offers a monthly subscription model with different subscription levels: Starter ($25/month), Pro ($100/month), and Enterprise (customized), which include different amounts of messages and features respectively.

vantage: free Green Hook certification support; 24/7 customer support; intuitive, mobile-friendly; free trial program.

drawbacks: Focused on mobile development; suitable for small and medium-sized businesses, difficult to take on the needs of large corporations.

Interakt: Interakt is a WhatsApp business solutions provider that helps fast-growing businesses and brands boost their online sales performance with automated customer support.

fee model: Interakt uses a monthly subscription model, divided into Growth level ($29/month), advanced level ($42/month), and enterprise level (customized), with each subscription level offering a different number of message quotas and features. Messages exceeding the quota are charged per message.


  • 快速集成WhatsApp Business API;
  • 免费的绿勾认证协助;
  • 免费的集成服务。


  • 没有chatbox功能,智能化功能有所欠缺;
  • 会话定价基于付费包月套餐,并且普遍高于Meta给出的官方定价;
  • 客户支持仅通过电子邮件提供,根据客户的计划,可能需要 2-3 天才能得到解决。在紧急情况下,没有直拨电话选项可能会造成不便。

Rasayel: Focused on providing WhatsApp business messaging services, Rasayel is a customer communication platform that helps businesses grow through an integrated social media inbox. The company's platform is built with collaborative team inboxes, broadcasts, automation, integrations, and developer-friendly APIs that enable clients to sell, support, and connect with customers across all social media and chat channels.

fee model: Rasayel offers a monthly subscription model that provides different amounts of message credits and features based on different subscription plans: growth level ($150/month), Scale level ($400/month), Pro level ($2000/month).


  • intuitive design: Rasayel offers a simple and intuitive user interface that makes it easy for business users to get started and utilize its features.
  • Customer Segmentation: Segmentation based on customer behavior and attributes to provide personalized communication and marketing to increase customer satisfaction.
  • Teamwork: Support for multiple agents using a single WhatsApp account at the same time facilitates team collaboration on customer queries and improves responsiveness and efficiency. Collaboration tools for internal annotations and tags


  • Customization capabilities: Some specific needs may require more customized configurations that may not be fully met by Rasayel's standard features.

Gallabox: Gallabox is a no-code conversational commerce platform that helps SMBs modernize and automate their customer conversations on WhatsApp, converting leads into deals by deploying out-of-the-box workflows that facilitate the conversion of business conversations into realizations.

fee model: Gallabox offers a monthly subscription model, where each subscription level includes a different number of messages and features: Growth level ($99/month), Scale level ($149/month), Pro level ($249/month).


  • Gallabox 提供无需代码的简洁直观的用户界面,使得企业用户能够轻松上手和使用其功能。与 Shopify 和 WooCommerce 完美集成。


  • 聊天没有产品目录功能,因此您不能直接在聊天中展示您的产品,而需要使用链接将线索重定向到网站。

AiSensy: AiSensy is a smart WhatsApp interaction platform based on the official WhatsApp Business API. It provides broadcast offers, automated notifications, and support issue resolution services.

fee model: AiSensy offers a monthly subscription model where each subscription level includes a different number of messages and features: Basic level ($20/month), Pro level ($45/month), Enterprise level (customized).


  • 客户支持团队全天候为您提供帮助,解决任何问题。
  • 提供过滤器来隔离和过滤受众,无需每次发送目标信息时上传新的 excel 文件。
  • 可以轻松连接 Shopify、Hubspot、Salesforce、WooCommerce、Zapier、支付门户、CRM 等。


  •  通过仪表板批准模板需要很长时间。
  • 用户界面有待改进,以方便初学者使用。

Session Unit Price Comparison

Let's take the session fee in Malaysia as an example

BSP Service Provider Session A U-session M-session S-session note
YCloud 0.0113 0.02 0.086 0.022 lowest price
original price 0.018 0.02 0.086 0.022
twillio 0.018 0.02 0.086 0.022 Add $0.005 per message within the session
SleekFlow 0.018 0.02 0.086 0.022
360dialog 0.018 0.02 0.086 0.022
Doubletick 0.018 0.02 0.086 0.022
rasayel 0.018 0.02 0.086 0.022
gallabox 0.0207 0.023 0.0989 0.0253
AiSensy 0.0215 0.0239 0.1029 0.0263
Wati 0.0216 0.024 0.1032 0.0264
interakt 0.025/0.024/0.024 0.025/0.024/0.024 0.096/0.095/0.092 0.025/0.024/0.024


As you can see, YCloud's unit price is the lowest among all BSPs. Also as Meta's official BSP, YCloud's channel stability has absolute guarantee.

V What do you get when you choose YCloud?

1. Competitive session prices

2. 24/7 online support

3.Free All-in-one WhatsApp Marketing Tools

4. Free WhatsApp API access guidelines

5. Free Green Label Certification Assistance

VI How to Access WhatsApp Business API with YCloud


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YCloud is a leading WhatsApp business service provider, we are dedicated to helping organizations grow their business using WhatsApp, the world's most popular social application.

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